All-Natural Lip Balm Recipe with Lavender and Grapefruit Essential Oils

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Making your own natural lip balm can be a great way to help your skin and know what ingredients you are putting on your body.

In trying to reduce the chemicals in our home, one of the things we've started to do is to make our own personal care products – deodorant, lotions, body scrubs – and cleaning products. Making your own lip balm can be a great way to help your skin and know what ingredients are putting on your body.

This recipe is a fairly simple one, and it's easy to make. Did you think making lip balm would be complicated? It has just three base ingredients, which are all good for you, and it will give your lips a nice, smooth hydrated feel. The essential oils used are a great combination of flavor and scent, if you prefer it a little stronger, you can add a few more drops of each.

Lavender essential oil is used for its calming effect. It helps keep your skin soft and feels nice on your lips. It also smells great! Grapefruit essential oil is an uplifting scent, as most citrus oils are, as well as a sweet flavor. Combined with the lavender it is a wonderful combo!

This recipe makes about half a dozen or so containers of lip balm if you are using the standard roll-up style. But it works great in little jars. The size of the container will determine how many this recipe will make.

natural lip balm

Natural Lip Balm Recipe with Lavender and Grapefruit Essential Oils

What you will need:

3 tbsp. beeswax, either pastilles or in the brick type

Double Boiler

2 teaspoons Coconut Oil

1 Tablespoon Sweet almond oil (extra virgin olive oil or jojoba oil works too)

Lip balm containers – minimum of 12, depending on size used

18 drops lavender essential oil

15 drops grapefruit essential oil

Knife, spoon and measuring cups

Labels and scotch tape


It is best to start by filling the bottom half of the double boiler with water, to around a third full and set it on medium to high heat.

Now, while that is heating up, chop up your beeswax if needed, and otherwise, just measure it out and add to the top half of the boiler and add to the bottom piece.

It will be slow to start to melt, but once it gets going, it will go fast. Keep an ear out, and once you hear the water getting close to boiling, turn it much further down to low, as it will boil over in no time.

While your wax is melting, get the lids off and line up your containers so they are ready to be filled. The end part goes fast and you don’t want to overheat the wax, as it can lose it great health benefits if it burns.

Next, measure out your coconut oil.

Then the sweet almond oil.


If your coconut oil has become thickened in storage, just put it in the microwave for 20 – 25 seconds to liquefy it before measuring it out.

Once your beeswax is melted and see-through, add in your coconut oil and let it melt. Then, repeat with the sweet almond oil, too.

Now you can add in your essential oils, being careful not to over pour the drops. Both of these oils are runny in texture and it is super easy to get twice the amount you need if you’re not paying close attention.

Stir the wax mixture well and turn the heat to the lowest setting in case you need it again before you’re done pouring into the containers. Now, pour into containers slowly, filling just a little bit below the top edge. Don’t move the containers while they are setting up, or they can spill easily.

If the balm feels thick as you’re pouring, set it back on the heat for a minute and it will loosen right back up, sometimes as I near the end of pouring, I need to do this. It also helps you get the last of it out of the pan, and not waste it.

Once they are all poured, just leave them at room temperature on your counter to cool thoroughly. This will take about 45 minutes or so. To check that they are fully cooled, feel them in the middle of the container and if it still feels warm, give them a bit longer before putting on the lids.

Now all that’s left to do is to make a cute label for them if you want. I like to use Avery templates with address label stickers, they have cute templates and it looks nice! I also cover them with a piece of scotch tape, and then they don’t get grungy after use.

Now you are all done! The natural lip balm makes great gifts, too!

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    1. Yes! Sorry about that! Those are important measurements! It’s 2 teaspoons Coconut Oil and 1 Tablespoon Sweet almond oil. I hope that helps!

  1. Thank you for sharing your recipe! I’m curious if I could substitute the sweet almond oil with coconut oil, thus making 1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil? Thanks!

    1. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work. I did that with my lotion recipe and it really confused people, so this time I used two different oils.

  2. Hello, I’m curious to know what I could switch the coconut oil out for. My husband is allergic to coconut oil, so we can not use any coconut products in our home. Unfortunately, so many natural products have coconut oil.

  3. Be careful of using lavender essential oil in lip balm. If you pour some into a plastic cup it completely eats away at the bottom of the cup. If this is what it reacts to plastic how will it react in your intestines? Some lip balms are potentially ingested. Would not recommend any lip balm flavoring that degrades a plastic cup in a few days.

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