5 Ways To Take Back Your Summer {FREE Printable}

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The beginning of Summer is always full of good intentions. Take back your summer with these fun summer activities and make some memories together.

Making a bucket list helps families make a plan that they can stick to and accomplish. Gathering around the table at a meal and making a list of fun activities, movies to watch, and books to read helps bring families together. Summer won't slip away if you are intentional about making time for each other.

Take Back Your Summer Get Outside

Maybe it's now July and you only have a little over a month left before school starts. Panic sets in as you look at your calendar and wonder where the Summer went. Trips to the pool. Visiting the zoo. Picnics at the local park. Playdates. Everything that you planned to do was replaced with chores and overwhelm, playing at home.

It's time.

Time to take back your Summer. Time to be intentional with the days before the start of school. Time to throw caution to the wind and be spontaneous. Time to make memories your kids will remember for a lifetime. We only have 18 Summers with our children. How many more Summers do you have left? What is holding you back from making memories with your children this Summer?

This Summer, let's get unbusy.

Let's take back time and slow it down. Instead of hurrying Summer along and counting down the days until the kids are back in school, let's stop and savor these days with our children, because one day we may wish for them back.

5 Ways to Take Back Your Summer

Get Outside

Put down your phone and get outside. Don't miss the opportunities that are right in front of you.

Take Back Your Summer Bike Rides

Make A Plan

Start with these 15 Free and Cheap Outdoor Summer Activities. Write down everything you want to do before school starts. Then narrow it down to the activities by prioritizing them. Take into consideration how many weeks you have left of Summer Break and how much you can do each week. Use the free printables below to help you make your list.

Pack Your Bags

Summer is all about being spontaneous, but even spontaneity takes some planning. Create Summer Activity Kits that are ready to go. You can keep then in the car or in the closet. Pack up a duffle bag with your essentials and you'll be ready to go!

Don't Forget These Boredom Busters

I know you've heard it. “I'M BOOORED.” What Summer doesn't have those words?

Make a list of activities they can do when they utter those words. It can include chores, craft activities from the Dollar Store, reading a book. The possibilities are endless. Those words will never be said again.

Take Back Summer

Use these printables to take back your summer and make memories you won't regret. If it too hot outside, pull out your list of movies to watch or books to read. Check off the items on your bucket list together. Take pictures and print them out or make a photo book of your Summer memories.

Summer Planner for Kids

Make this a Summer that your family won't soon forget. Download your free printables today!

It's not too late to take back your Summer.

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