Why GB Evoq Travel System with Asana35 Infant Car Seat Is The Best Stroller Review

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The GB Evoq Travel System includes Asana35 Infant Car Seat with FirmFit, which is great for both first time parents and families.

GB Evoq Travel System Review-2

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for GB. I received a GB stroller to facilitate my review as well as to thank me for my participation.”

When I was pregnant with our first child, I remember walking into Babies R Us and feeling so overwhelmed with all the choices. Our prayer was that we would at least have another child, so we tried to choose baby equipment that could be used for multiple children.

I remember standing in front of the stroller section and just staring. I'm sure I looked like a deer in headlights. Searching for a (affiliate link) stroller that was easy to maneuver, had good undercarriage storage, canopies that would actually keep the sun out, and came with a cup holder, was not easy.

Having four children has given me lots of opportunities to try different strollers as our needs have changed. We have owned single strollers, double strollers, umbrella strollers, jogging strollers, and pretty much one of every kind of stroller.

[bctt tweet=”The Evoq is great for both first-time parents and families with many. #IC #GBThatsMe #sponsored “]

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GB Evoq Travel System

The GB Evoq travel system is great. This stroller will be there every step of the way from infant to baby, and toddler to new walkers. Even better, it is SO easy to assemble. All you have to do is attach the front wheels and the seat. That's it! No crazy tools required.

This stroller has saved us from many meltdowns since we started using it. While out running errands, even though a child says they want to walk does not mean that by the end of the errand running, they will feel the same way. Thankfully, instead of turning into a wet noodle or throwing themselves on the floor “because I can't move another step”, they were able to hop on the glide on board and away we went. Whew. It's also apparently a fun “toy” to ride on and push each other in while stuck inside the house because of snow.

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The Evoq Travel System comes with the Asana35 Infant Car Seat which includes GB’s authentic FirmFit Installation system. This unique FirmFit System helps to provide an easier installation in your vehicle while providing you with the peace of mind that your baby is protected and riding in one of the safest car seats available. We have installed car seats numerous times in different vehicles we have owned or rented. The Asana35 Infant Car Seat base was by far the easiest to install. Even buckling in baby girl was a breeze. A few simple clicks and pulling the strap until it was snug. So easy.

The storage basket alone is enough reason to purchase the Evoq. It is HUGE. Perfect for holding a picnic lunch on the way to the Park. Packages and bags while shopping will no longer leave red rings around your arms from the strain. Diapers and wipes will always be within arms reach. Yes, the storage basket is amazing.

Are you ready to get your own? It really is that great. You can purchase the GB Evoq Travel System at BabiesRUs.com. You can also find GB on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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