Egglo Entertainment: a Christ-Centered Easter Egg Hunt {Review}

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Egglo Entertainment

Leading up to Easter it is easy to get distracted by shiny eggs, a giant bunny, and chocolate everything, and miss the real reason of Easter altogether. When the opportunity to review products from Egglo Entertainment came up, I thought I would give it a try and see what my children thought about them.

Egglo Entertainment Review

We received the following to review:
Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs
The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure book
Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls
Egglo Bible Verse Stickers

My children were thrilled when we opened the box and they saw eggs. When they found out the eggs glowed in the dark, they were ecstatic! They grabbed the book and begged to read it right then.

The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Book is a fun story that takes readers on an adventure to find hidden eggs in places such as Egypt, Easter Island, and across a rickety bridge. I enjoyed reading how the children in the story took the Scripture that had been revealed in the egg and applied it to their situation. Even though my kids are 6, 4, 2, and 11 months, God's Word does not return void. There were a few times when we were reading the story that the older two would chime in about how specific Scriptures could be applied in their lives.

It warmed this mama's heart.

Egglo Entertainment Review

We placed the Egglo Treasures Scripture Scrolls and the Egglo Bible Verse Stickers in the Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs early in the morning and let them charge in the sunlight while we went through the rest of our day. The kids actually forgot about them, so it was a great surprise when they finished with baths, had their pj's on we announced we were having a glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt. They were thrilled!

Egglo Entertainment makes having a treasure hunt easy. You simply fill in the blanks and hide the eggs. They also list so many great ideas for how to use their glow in the dark eggs all year round right on their website.

Our kids can't read yet, so they did a mad dash Easter Egg Hunt in the dark, searching for glowing eggs in the dark. They loved it.

Ego Entertainment Glow in the Dark Eggs

It was a great way to talk about how we are the light of the world.

“…Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” (John 12:35-36, NIV)

They are in a “tiny” phase right now, so everything little is a huge hit. Little Scrolls with Scripture were highly sought after. They loved them.

Egglo Entertainment Egg Fillers

We are excited to be able to use these glow in the dark eggs with our friends. My oldest is already planning a “Princess Tea” where one of the activities will be to search for glowing eggs. She can't wait to tell everyone how the eggs remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.

Overall, I love the idea behind Egglo Eggs. The fact that they literally glow is the perfect reminder for my littles that God is with them when they are holding the egg in their bed at time. While we have talked several times about Jesus being the Light, Egglo Eggs really nailed down the concept for them. We are to shine His light in the darkness of the world.

I recommend Egglo Entertainment for any family who wants to focus on Christ during Easter but still wants to participate in Easter Egg Hunts as a community outreach. They are amazing.

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