5 of the Best Online Side Hustles to Start Earning Money Now

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Need ideas for your online side hustles? During this time of uncertainty, many people are looking for ways to make money to increase their income and to stay busy. Here are some great ways to start earning money right now!

online side hustles work from home

It has been a long time of being stuck at home for some of us. We are all feeling the pinch from our slowed-down economy.

So many of us are either furloughed or we have been hit hard with income cuts we did not expect. The usual methods of generating some extra cash with a side hustle are not super reliable anymore.

However, there are some viable options out there for anyone who needs to start making money right now with side hustles from home.

Here are some of my favorite online side hustles you can start immediately to earn more income during this crazy time.

5 Online Side Hustles to Make Money

1. Become a Reseller

The easiest thing you can do to start earning now is to become a reseller.

You most certainly have a lot of stuff you don't need and you can make a little bit of money off of.

Reselling starts with cleaning out your house and seeing everything as potential inventory for your online store. You can put what you have online and start selling right away.

While you do, you will see what sells and what makes you the most money. If you continue on as a reseller, you will know what to buy and at what price.

There are websites resellers use to bid on bulk quantities of merchandise to restock their online store if you want to continue on after you sell what you don't need.

2. Tutor Online

There is a huge need for online tutors right now because kids aren't getting what they need at school.

If you have tutoring experience or know a lot about subjects like math, science, reading, or even speech therapy, you could work online with kids who need to keep up their studies.

Not everybody can do this, but it's a good area to get into if you can because of the unique need that our current pandemic has caused.

Don't forget parents will need tutors over the summer as well! The need for this online side hustle won't end just because school is out for the summer.

3. Monetize Your Hobby

What do you love to spend time doing?

Everybody has a hobby of some kind. You may not spend all day in the basement working on your model train set, but chances are, you have some kind of passion outside of your day job.

If you haven't up until this point, all this time at home may have led you to pursue a hobby you never did before.

The great news about that is that many hobbies can be monetized. If you are doing something fun like crochet, or woodworking, turn that hobby into an online business by selling the things you make.

You can even record video tutorials and sell your own patterns!

4. Become a Freelance Writer

Brands need content. You create content. Sounds like the perfect partnership!

Making money online is essential right now with in-person commercial transactions are mostly unheard of anymore.

Freelancing is another of those great online side hustle options to earn more income fast. Freelancing is an ideal way for writers to pull in some cash while working at home.

You don't have to go anywhere or buy any supplies. You have everything you need right at home! All you need to know is how to write and research so you have an understanding of your topic.

Bloggers are always looking for ghost writers to fill in gaps within their content and to stay active on their websites.

Another freelance opportunity is working as a virtual assistant to other online businesses. Think beyond bloggers here and consider local small businesses who need to increase their online presence.

5. Become a Personal Shopper

You can look at Shipt or UberEats type jobs, but you could also talk to your friends and family to see if they are interested or know of someone who is.

With families sheltering at home and not wanting to risk going out in public spaces, more people are turning to delivery.

If you feel comfortable being in crowds and going into places of business, becoming a personal shopper and delivery person who fills online orders for food and groceries is one of the best online side hustles currently available.

If your stressing about when your unemployment check is going to come in or how you're going to make it to the next pay period, know that you aren't alone.

Thankfully, there are ways to work at home and make money with these online side hustles.

What side hustle ideas would you add?

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