Over the years we've had the privilege of working with some of our favorite brands. Every opportunity is a gift that I don't take for granted. Here are several places you'll find Simplifying Family As Featured In television, in online publications, and various other media outlets.

Our family offers a unique perspective as a family of six with a large breed dog, living in an apartment in Orlando, Florida.

Simplifying Family As Featured In

Online Publications

As Seen In Mom.com

As Seen on The Humbled Homemaker

As Seen on Keeper of the Home

Our how-to-organize ribbon hack was featured in The Spruce.

Our Command Center DIY was featured on HubPages for how to repurpose old picture frames. It can also be seen on DIYCraftsy for easy command center ideas.

Whitney was also quoted in The Huffington Post and VRBO for ideas to do when kids are bored at home.

Media Events In the News

Parents Have the Power: First Lady Hosts Parenting Blogger Event

Parents Have the Power: First Lady Hosts Parenting Blogger Event – attended an event with an invitation from First Lady Michelle Obama

Television Segments

Fox 31 Denver – Unique Ideas for Every Bunny in Your Life

Cooking with Apples

National Coffee Day TV Segment

National Coffee Day

Spooky Party Tips with Denver7

Simplifying Family As Featured In Live Media Events

National Llama Day

National Llama Day with Cost Plus World Market

Connect with Whitney

Email Whitney at whitney@simplifyingfamily.com

Follow her on Twitter at @simplifyingfam.

Connect with Whitney on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/whitneycornelison

Working with Simplifying Family

Simplifying Family is written for moms of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-aged children. Those moms have a unique challenge of trying to stay organized while simultaneously trying to survive their season of life, keep everyone alive, make sure everyone has clean clothes to wear and feeding them daily.

That is no small task.

These readers are looking for ways they can cultivate simplicity and beauty when life feels like an overwhelming mess. They are primarily women, but also consist of about 20% males. 85% have children, while 15% have no children. 55% of the readers are between the ages of 25-34, with 30% between the ages of 35-44, and the median income being 100k.

As an Influencer, Whitney promotes National brands, as well as locally-owned, family-friendly companies that are enriching the lives of her community. You can email her at whitney@simplifyingfamily.com.

Let's Come Up with a Sponsored Package

I would love to chat about how you can work with Simplifying Family and come up with a Sponsored Package that would work best for both of us. Are you looking for a sponsored blog post? Instagram Story? Facebook Live? Hosted Event? Need an Influencer in Orlando, Florida? Email Whitney at whitney@simplifyingfamily.com.