Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Idea He is Sure to Love
This last minute gift idea is super easy and one you can make every year for a fun, thoughtful Father's Day Gift. Grab your camera and let's go!
Father's Day is on Sunday.
This Sunday.
Are you ready?
Last Minute Father's Day Gift
Here is a quick and easy Father's Day gift idea that he will treasure for years to come.
Letters to spell out the word. I chose to say Daddy, so I needed the letters “D“, “A“, and “Y“. You could also just do Dad.
A frame with places for five pictures or three pictures
Computer to upload the pictures
I purchased the letters I needed with 40% coupons from Michael's and AC Moore. I bought the frame with 5 spaces for pictures at Garden Ridge. Finding a frame that would work took more time than I thought it would. If you are strapped for time, just buy one with 3 inserts, or 4 inserts and have someone draw a picture of Daddy to put in the 4th space.
Take pictures with your children holding the letters. The first year I did this, my daughter was four months old, so she wasn't sitting up and couldn't really hold the letters well. I propped up the letter near her. Last year, I had the older kids hold the letters and when the youngest wouldn't cooperate, I had him lay in the grass and I put the letter over his head. Do what works :).
Upload the pictures to a local store where you can have them printed, or print them yourself on your printer.
Place the pictures in the frame. Make sure you spell out Daddy or Dad correctly.
Ta-da! You are finished :).
No messy paint, no random pieces of paper that will get lost or thrown away. Nothing that will get put on a shelf and forgotten. Next year, reuse the letters, take pictures with the letters again, and reuse the frame. It is so neat to look back over the years and see how much everyone has grown over the last year.
I love that – make sure you spell it correctly!
Ha! Especially with baby sleep depravation, you never know what you might spell ;).