Healthy Lunch Ideas FOR KIDS
Make lunch making easy with these healthy lunch ideas for kids and tips for setting up your lunch prep station in your kitchen.
School can mean lots of things to lots of people.
New school supplies, new backpacks, lunch boxes. Excitement builds as kids begin thinking of seeing some of their friends again, while parents are counting down the days until their beloved children are once again sent off on that magical yellow bus.

The back to school high usually lasts for about a week or two. Until Mom is standing in the Kitchen staring into an open refrigerator wondering what in the world to put into the empty lunch bag on the counter. Unfortunately, the cheese stick, two pack of saltine crackers, and apple that were sent the day before did not go over well. And the young one has already said if she has to eat one more sunflower butter sandwich she will die {rather dramatically}.
All is not lost, my friend. Here are several healthy lunch ideas for kids that will help you out of your lunchtime slump.
Setting Up A Lunch Prep Station In Your Kitchen
When school starts again, setting up a “Lunch Prep” area in your kitchen can help you make the transition from summer to fall easier. You can set aside a designated area where you can store all the items necessary for packing lunches and snack food. This way, you'll have everything you need right there and can make lunch preparation faster. Use complementary colors to organize the items in this area.
Another way to speed up the morning rush is to designate specific areas of the kitchen to hold items that your family frequently eats. For example, a pantry can be designated for snacks like applesauce packets or pretzel bags. Similarly, the refrigerator can be used to store pre-cut fruits and veggies, sandwich bread, cheese sticks, and deli meat. Keep these items fresh by following the proper storage methods.
For easy access to these items, you can use open shelving, which can be hidden behind decorative items. In addition, you can keep colorful lunch boxes and cereal boxes nearby. The open shelving can also hide items that aren't in use, such as a metal baker's rack. This type of baker's rack features a wooden top that can be used as a cutting board. You can also hang various items from hooks to make it even easier to access your food.
Healthy Lunch Ideas For Kids
I'm going to make this easy on everyone. The following is a list of great healthy options to make your lunch planning easier. You can pick and choose whatever you want {or let your kids choose}. Choose three or four things from the list, add a bottle of water, and you've got yourself a meal.

ham and cheese roll-up
salmon cake
no-bake protein balls
tuna salad
chicken salad
chicken nuggets
cheese quesadilla
beans and rice
chicken fried rice
noodles with sauce
pinto beans and cornbread
hard-boiled egg
all beef hot dog

Fruits and Vegetables:
snow peas
Organic Cheese Sandwich Crackers
chocolate chip cookie
Horizon® Mixed Berry Super Squeeze
Cheddar Snack Crackers
pudding cup
Snack Grahams {Honey or Chocolate}
rice cake

While you are packing their lunch, why not pack a little extra something for them to share with a friend? Sharing is definitely a life lesson that we should teach our children. Don't forget the lunchbox note! You don't have to add one every day, but everyone needs a little reminder during their day that they are loved and being thought about.