Postpartum: My Body After Baby

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After carrying four full-term babies that ranged in weight from 8 lbs 3 oz to 9 lbs 2 oz, my body needed help. My poor ab muscles just aren't the same anymore. There was no recovery period after the birth of #4. While I would have loved to actually not pick up anything heavier than my baby for 6-8 weeks and actually rest, that wasn't my reality.

My body needed support. I had stitches that needed to heal, my ab muscles were pretty much non-existent, and my hips still felt all out of sorts. I looked at braces, which reminded me more of a girdle, but those only supported my ad muscles. While that was much needed, I wanted something more.

Angelica: Post Pregnancy Recovery Garment

Thank you, Body After Baby for sending me this product to try as I was recovering. All opinion are my own. After spending a lot of time looking for a garment with specific criteria, I stumbled upon Body After Baby. The first thing I read was,

The Angelica jump-starts your recovery providing compression and structure to stabilize your abs, hips, and back.

That was exactly what I was looking for! I couldn't wait to receive the Angelica.


The Angelica is for use after vaginal deliveries. It provides structure and stability for the pelvis, hips, and lower back. The website boasts that it:

  • Stabilizes and supports loose and weak abdominal muscles
  • Lower back and Hip support for improved posture
  • Promotes circulation and reduces swelling
  • Improves comfort while nursing
  • Discreet and hidden under clothing (affiliate link)

And it is best to be used during this time:


My thoughts

The Angelica is a great recovery garment. The support is there, but it still allows you to move. I removed the straps because I found them awkward trying to undo them to use the restroom. It still works without the straps, the look under your clothes just isn't as smooth at the top.

My core needs lots of support right now, and the Angelica has been a wonderful accessory. My jeans fit better, and my back seems to hurt less while wearing the garment.

I do wish that there was a way to zip up the top. Right now I am “thicker” in my hips, but my waist is smaller. I couldn't get the size 4 over my hips but the size 5 doesn't feel as supportive as I think it should be. I wore compression socks with my first pregnancy, and have compression pants. While the Angelica does have good support, I just feel like I need a little more, and it's just not there.

Overall, I recommend the Angelica as a postpartum garment. I don't know of another product that works in the same way. I've seen girdles, and splints, but nothing that supports the hips, lower back, and perinatal area like this one.

Thanks for creating a great product, Body After Baby.

Body After Baby Mom Ambassador

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