Always Eventful: A Day in the Life of a Mom of Four with Tom’s of Maine

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Life doesn’t look the same as it did eight years ago. Read what changed and what stayed the same in this a day in the life of a mom of four.

As a mom of four kids ages eight and under, life is busy, fun, and a little crazy. Life has changed a lot since the birth of our oldest. We settled into our house in North Carolina, thought that would be our forever home. But then we moved across the country to Colorado. We homeschooled for a while but just finished our first year in public school.

Some things never change though. We are still committed to creating a healthy environment for our children to grow up in. The products we use now look a lot different than they did before we had kids. Having children changed us for the better. We became aware of the ingredients and started reading labels. We learned what brands we could trust, and which brands we couldn't. One brand that we love is Tom's of Maine.

A Brand We Can Trust

Tom’s of Maine is a leading natural products company focused on oral and personal care products that we use and love. They make high-quality toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, antiperspirant, deodorant, bar soap, lip balm, and natural baby shampoo and lotion products. Did you know they made all those products?

Most Tom's of Maine products are vegan, kosher and halal certified and gluten-free. Plus, all their packaging is recyclable through a partnership with upcycling leader TerraCycle or participating municipalities. Isn't that awesome. They are a company that, as a gluten-free and eco-conscious mom, I can stand behind.

Over the years, being a mom of four has taught me a few things. I've learned to be flexible because nothing goes as planned, grown accustomed to the stares while in public, and realized that I'm not as patient as I thought I was before having kids. I now know that I really can be up all night with a child, wake up at the normal time with the rest of them, and run on coffee for the rest of the day.

Did you know that I hated coffee before kids? Ha! While I've always loved people, I never knew just how much my love could grow for little people who bring me to the brink of insanity almost every day. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

While every day looks different, even when that's not the plan, here's a little glimpse into one of our days.

A Day in the Life

A typical morning in our house usually starts with someone digging their tiny toes into my back, getting hit in the face with a flailing arm.

It includes coffee. Always coffee.


Toms of Maine Mountains

When you look out your window, what do you see? This is my view. Pictures don't do the mountains justice. They are truly breathtaking and majestic. The mountains also point me in the right direction by telling me which way is West, which helps me get home when I'm lost.

Most every day contains at least one mess that we have to clean up. Sometimes the one who makes the mess tries to clean it up themselves.


There are always games that promote cooperation because we can use as much teamwork as we can get.

Silly faces. Always.

Did I mention messes? The day in the life of any mom is full of messes.

The day always ends in self-care. Sometimes it's big things like reading a book, taking a long bath with essential oils and epsom salt, and other times it's simply brushing my teeth to get them whiter. Tom’s of Maine Luminous White whitening toothpaste contains no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, and no animal testing. Plus, it's gluten-free. I can get behind that.

Want to try it for yourself? You can! Rediscover your pearly whites naturally with Tom's of Maine Luminous White whitening toothpaste.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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