Tips To Avoid Holiday Meltdowns While Traveling Out of Town

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Holidays with kids aren't always so merry and bright. Schedules are all over the place. Traveling and being confined to a car seat are enough to make everyone grumpy. Add the extra sugar, foods that are out of the norm, and relatives you only see on special occasions, and you've created the perfect storm for holiday meltdowns.

Here are a few suggestions to make the holidays a bit more manageable and avoid holiday meltdowns.

Avoid Holiday Meltdowns while traveling Arrowhead Water Nestle Bottles

How to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns

While meltdowns aren't always avoidable, here are the best tips I learned along the way to avoid holiday meltdowns.

Get back to the basics by making sure your child is getting enough sleep at night. Adding a rest time during the day when possible is also a great idea. When we traveled when our kids were little, we made sure there was a rest time which sometimes meant we would drive around town for a bit while they slept because nap times were not happening when there were so many people around.

Simplifying Family Christmas Planner

Simplifying Family Christmas Planner

With the Simplifying Family Christmas Planner, you can finally relax and enjoy the holidays. This 28-page guide includes everything you need to get ready for Christmas, from gift lists and budget sheets to baking lists and holiday menus. With all the details taken care of, you can focus on spending time with your loved ones. So go ahead and put your feet up – The Simplifying Family Christmas Planner has got you covered.

Make sure you are leaving enough margin for downtime. Consider implementing a mandatory rest time during the day. Maybe they will nap, maybe they won't, but they will rest. Being in new places can disrupt schedules and routines, so start a new bedtime routine that includes turning down the lights, reading a story before bed, and possibly a sound machine.

It's easy to get caught up in jumping from one activity to the other or from one house to the other. But our kids need downtime just as much as we do. We all need more margin during the holidays to offset the busy holiday season. For adults, consider starting a new nightly routine of no screens after 8 pm, a warm cup of tea, and reading a new book.

If your children are old enough, consider having a code word they can use when they feel overwhelmed.

Tips To Avoid Holiday Meltdowns While Traveling Out of Town 1

With all the sugary treats around the holidays, being diligent in the area of healthy snacks, foods, and beverages is important. This can be as easy as making sure there is a fruit and vegetable tray at the gathering or around the house. Having water readily available is also key, and there are great services like which will deliver non-sugary drinks right to your doorstep.

Maintaining Healthy Hydration Habits To Avoid Meltdowns

Thirsty choices aren't always smart choices. A lack of healthy beverage options often means reaching for whatever is available, especially during the holiday season when eating and drinking habits can fluctuate.

While my oldest son will always choose water over juice, his siblings are not the same. If you are visiting family, prepare for your holiday travels with a delivery from ReadyRefresh to bring along. One less trip to the store means more time to finish packing so you don't feel rushed.

Tips To Avoid Holiday Meltdowns While Traveling Out of Town 2

This can help two-fold. It could be that the hostess forgot the beverages and you would be taking that stress off of them. You will also be helping your family stay hydrated and make great beverage choices so you aren't left with little sugar monsters at the end of your visit.

What is ReadyRefresh by Nestlé?

The ReadyRefresh mission is simple: to make it easy for you and your family to live a healthier life. With just a few clicks or a few taps on your mobile device, through, you'll quickly customize your order for thirst-quenching beverages delivered right to your door.

ReadyRefresh How it Works

The service provides your family with a variety of purified water, teas, and imported water varieties. They even deliver the still and sparkling Arrowhead® Brand Mountain Spring Water!

S. Pellegrino Sanpellegrino Centerpiece Water Nestle

Need recommendations for the holidays? S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna pair perfectly with holiday meals. They can also serve as a great centerpiece for your holiday dinner table!

Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

The holidays can be a stressful time. The last thing you want to worry about is running out of your supply of beverage options. Keep your family's healthy hydration on track throughout the holiday season with a constant supply of the beverage options you and your family love.

Check out how Vera Sweeney did her own random act of kindness and helped make the holidays a little less stressful for her neighbor with beverage delivery service from ReadyRefresh℠ by Nestlé®.

Holidays are a great time to pay it forward and give back to our community by participating in our own random acts of kindness. It can be as easy as bringing beverages to the next holiday party you attend.

Thank you to ReadyRefresh by Nestlé® for sponsoring this blog post. All opinions are my own.

What are some ways you help your kids avoid holiday meltdowns?

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