Tips For How to Grow Blueberries in Your Own Backyard

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Learn how to grow this superfood in your own backyard garden. Here are some tips for how to grow blueberries that will provide a bountiful harvest.

Do you love the taste and the health benefits of blueberries? This superfood is a great addition to desserts, snacks, and even on its own.

Believe it or not, blueberry bushes can live and produce for 30 to 50 years! Having an ideal location and condition for the plants will guarantee you’ll have more delicious fruits for many years to come.

How to Grow Blueberries

Prepare The Soil

Blueberries only grow in soil that meets their standards and needs.

  • The soil must drain well. If you see water standing where you’re planning to plant for two days or more, don’t plant blueberries there.
  • They grow best in acidic soil with a pH level of 5.0.
  • Incorporate rich organic matter (you can use organic fertilizer, organic compost or manure) in the soil. Use it as a top dressing.

Hill The Plants

If you’re planting a row of blueberries, space the plants at least 4 to 8 feet apart.

Raise the plants above the natural soil level by 12 to 18 inches high and 3 inches wide.

By hilling, you will improve drainage and will provide a row for you to constantly add organic matter.

Provide Full Sun

Make sure that the location you choose gets full sun, at least 3/4 of the day.

Blueberries can tolerate partial shade, especially late in the day, but for most days, it will need full sunlight.

Provide A Higher pH Soil

Blueberries need to grow in higher pH to increase their production. They grow best in acidic soil with a pH level of 5.0.

Do not reduce the soil’s pH all at once. A 0.5 reduction every year is the most ideal.

To reduce the pH balance in the soil, try any of the following additives:

Plant In Raised Beds Or Containers

Although blueberries grow in the ground, if you have limited space, you can also plant them in raised beds or containers.

Plants grown in raised beds and containers can produce satisfactory results by adding a mixture of sand, peat moss, and pine bark. These materials will give it the acidic soil that it needs to thrive.

Apply Fertilizer

Blueberries are low maintenance plants, but they are sensitive when it comes to excessive fertilizing.

Instead of giving one high-dose feed, apply fertilizer to your plants two to three times a year. You can also use slow-release fertilizers.

Avoid fertilizers that contain nitrogen in forms of nitrate as it may slow down the plant growth. Instead, choose one with nitrogen in ammonium or urea form.

Use Mulch

Mulching is important for growing blueberries, especially during the first two years.

Mulch helps acidify the soil, moderate soil temperature, conserve soil moisture, and control weeds.

Apply at least 2 to 3 inches of mulch on the exposed area in the container or the plant’s soil.

I hope you found these tips on how to grow blueberries helpful!

Growing blueberries is rewarding and since they are also a superfood your body will be rewarded by these tasty treats, as well.

Growing Blueberries in Your Own Backyard Resources

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