10 Cold and Flu Remedies This Winter For a Healthy Season
10 cold and flu remedies this winter to combat the yuckies.

It's that time of year again.
I don't know whether to blame the weather change, the mall playground we played in while my Dad was visiting, or my oldest son crawling around the floor at a restaurant we ate at over the weekend. But the sickies are here.
Last night was a looong night. While our oldest son started out with a runny nose, he doesn't seem to bad. A little hoarse with a runny nose and an occasional sneeze, but that's about it. It's our youngest that is so pitiful. His hoarse cough and little whimper after he coughs. Runny nose with snot everywhere (I have no idea how they get snot in the places they do). And night time. Oh, I miss sleep.
No fever. Just snot and lots of it.
So what do you do when you're little ones are sick, but you don't want to run to the doctor?
Here are 10 cold and flu remedies to get you through winter
1. Thieves essential oil blend. If I couldn't have any other essential oil, I would have this one. I put it on their feet. It helps kill all the yuckies. And it smells great to!
2. I diffuse Eucalyptus Radiata. So far just in their bedroom. Eucalyptus Radiata is great for children because it's one of the more gentle of the eucalyptus oils and nonirritating.
3. R.C. diluted on their chest and back.
4. Breathe Again on the back of their neck and chest. I alternate RC and Breathe Again. I tend to like the smell of Breathe Again better, but they both are great and work well. Today, every time I put Breathe Again or R.C. on my youngest, his nose started running like crazy. Gross, but a good sign.
5. Colloidal Silver. While it just looks like water, it's not.
6. Probiotics. We use HMF neuropowder for the kids. I take Life 5 from Young Living (affiliate link). If our health begins in the gut, then we need to make sure it's working properly, and probiotics will do that.
7. Water. Trying to get my children to drink anything when they are sick can be tough. But staying hydrated is super important. If I have lemons on hand, I usually add some lemon juice to their water which sometimes helps. Coconut water is great too if they will drink it.
8. Sleep and rest. It's hard, even when they are sick, for my children to rest. But sleep and rest are so vital. We had a mandatory movie day. While I would love to say that they actually took naps during nap time, I can't. I wish they had. It would have made life easier for everyone!
9. Clean and sanitize. For everyday clean up I tend to use vinegar and water. But when someone is sick, I use Thieves cleaner. It disinfects and smells kind of like Christmas.
10. For fevers, use Peppermint essential oil or Roman Chamomile on the kids. We haven't dealt with fevers yet with this one. The fever is actually good because it's the body's way of killing off the yucky germs. Obviously really high fevers are dangerous (and scary). We start with a tepid bath and then dilute peppermint essential oil on the feet and back of the neck. I was amazed the first time I saw this work.
This is what we're doing so far. Praying that everyone else stays well and that the boys get better quickly.
What is RC?
R.C. is an essential oil blend from Young Living. You can find out the exact essential oils here: http://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/essential-oils/blends/rc-essential-oil
🙁 It’s no fun when our babies are sick. Hope they feel well soon. We are dealing with slight snotty noses here too, but thankfully nothing bad enough to keep them up at night.
Thanks, Deanna! Tis the season I guess :).
Great advice! Seems like our “family cold” tends to go in circles around here. We’re just now getting over it and I’m so hoping it stays away for a while!
Thanks, Kimberly! They do circulate. Usually if I can keep it contained to one or two children, then we’re safe. But once they start sharing sippy cups and the youngest gets it, I’m done. Praying the cycle is stopped in your house!!
Oh yes, I’m a big fan of Thieves essential oil! It’s the only one I own right now, but it definitely helps whenever I have a sore throat. I plan to get peppermint essential oil when I’m home for Christmas – it’s supposed to help with headaches. Thanks for the tips! I came to this post through IBN and pinned it!
Thieves is by far my favorite essential oil! Peppermint is great for headaches {and fevers}. Thanks for stopping by!
Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing and linking up to Good Tips Tuesday! Pinned!
Love these tips. the oils in Thieves are awesome for colds! Would love you to share this with my readers at Oil me up Wed at My lamp is full.
Love these! And can I just say that I smile every time I visit and see this new blog design? It’s just too gorgeous!! 🙂 Thanks for linking up to Wellness Wednesday!