Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower

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While I may not be able to be with my children 24-7, I can rest knowing I can check on them using the Levana Baby Monitor. That's my superpower.

Thank you, Levana for sponsoring this post. All opinions and text are my own. Carry on…

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 1

Levana Baby Monitor | A Mom's Secret Superpower

“Do not hit your brother with that red car. That is not kind or loving. We do not hit.”

“I didn't hit him.”

“Yes, you did. I watched you.”

Pause “You did? How?”

“I'm your Mommy. I know.”

I have a secret superpower.

It's not actually x-rayed vision, but it's pretty close. It's called the Ayden Baby Monitor by Levana. Baby monitors are not just for babies.

Of course you can use Baby Monitors with Video for babies. We do.

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 2

Being able to actually see your child and what they are doing gives me a sense of peace. Maybe I just have sneaky kids. It always sounds like they are being innocent and doing exactly what they were told. But the reality in the past has been that they are actually smearing poop all over their bed, pulling a pen or crayon out of hiding and defacing every book in their bookcase, or putting on make-up and nail polish on their bed. Monitors with only sound do not give me the whole picture. With this bunch, I need to see it all. Besides, this one is pretty sweet.

Levana Baby Monitor

The Levana baby monitor is great in bedrooms so you can keep an eye on your children during naps and while they sleep at night. But they are also great for playrooms.

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 3

Kids will be kids.

They take each others toys, don't share, and have started trying to get each other in trouble by tattling. While I do try to let them work out a lot by themselves, they are 5, 3, and 2. Mommy has to step in a lot.

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 4

Even if I didn't actually see what happened, they don't know that. I'm convinced they assume I sit in the other room and just watch the monitor. That's why I see this sometimes:

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 5

She's talking to me through the camera. See that little microphone button? I can talk back to her. AH-MAZING. I can not tell you how many times that little feature has saved me multiple trips up and down the stairs. I LOVE it. The picture is clear. I can see what the temperature in the room is. The Ayden, Levana Baby Monitor is definitely a must have in my book.

Even though I can hear them in the other room, it's great to be able to check the monitor to make sure they are safe. Like I said, they are all five and under. They like to explore their surroundings as well as cause and effect. Sink or float in the puppy bowl is a popular game.

As a babysitter I greatly appreciated video monitors. As a Mom, video monitors are a must have.

Today is your lucky day! Enter to win your own today!!

Levana Baby Monitor: My Secret Superpower 6

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  1. I wish I had more time to read! I love reading, but with 2 small babies, that’s a luxury that will have to wait til they are a little older!

    1. I am right there with you, Brandi. One day we can read again :). It has been fun reading childhood classics like The Secret Garden with my 5 year old. I figure that’s a start!

  2. I wish I had more time to read! There are always more books on my “to read” list than I have time to get to.

    My sister has a baby monitor like this. I’m about to have baby #3 and don’t have a baby monitor at all. Somehow we didn’t use one with baby #2, but I’m confident I’ll need one this time around with two more kiddos to potentially find “loving” on baby #3 while she’s asleep…

    That x-ray vision might come in handy! 🙂

  3. I wish I had more time to nap! This would be such a blessing. Our current baby monitor is on the fritz after almost seven years of use through four babies.

  4. I wish I had more time to take in the wonders around me like my children do – I usually call it dawdling, but I know it is because they are curious. If everything could just be a bit slower.

  5. Great blog. Thank you for sponsoring this giveaway. I have been looking for a baby monitor for our future foster kids.

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