My Favorite Things: aden and anais
If you have been reading Beauty in the Mess for a while, you know that I recommend every mama to register for aden and anais Swaddles and at least one Dream Blanket. My children sleep with their Dream Blankets every night. Our youngest son has to bring his Dream with him when he gets out of his crib in the morning and after nap. I admit, even I use them as lap blankets. They are SO comfortable. I want an adult-sized one!!
I was super excited when aden + anais sent me their tranquility – leafy bamboo crib sheet and bubble – bathing beauty hooded towel set to try with our new little princess. Oh, how I wish they made these in my size!
Aden and Anais bamboo crib sheet
I was sold when I pulled the sheet out of the package. The bamboo is so soft and comfy. Usually, I have to have Fall/Winter crib sheets and Spring/Summer crib sheets because the bedrooms get so cold in the Winter. But with the a+a bamboo crib sheet, I don't need crib sheets for each season. The bamboo helps keep the baby warm in the winter and cool in the Summer.
See that? She's sleeping. In her crib. That doesn't happen often. I think she loves the softness as much as me. I really just wanted to curl up in her bed and take a nap myself. I may or may not be sleeping at night. Ha!
I have a confession.
I don't like baby towels and washcloths.
There. I said it. Ha! Most of the ones that we have used in the past are thin. Too thin. While I like the little hood on those towels, I just can't stand the thinness. Most of the time I would end up just grabbing one of our regular towels and wrapping the baby up that way.
That was until I found the a+a towel set.
The size of both the towel and the muslin washcloth are perfect. I was super impressed. The towel was nice and thick. I wasn't sure what I would think about a muslin washcloth, but I really liked it. I used it like a little towel while I was washing her hair. It was great!
Yet again, I wish these came in my size.
Overall Thoughts
Aden + Anais never ceases to amaze me with their products. I love the quality and the simplicity. Everything is soft and airy, just like it should be with a baby.
While I definitely have a say in what we use and don't use, my children are the real decision makers. If they don't like something, they let me know. Children don't have filters. At least mine don't seem to have one. They have opinions and let everyone know what those are. A+A are hands down the winner in our house. Not only do my children LOVE their a+a dream blankets, I have caught two of the three older ones trying to climb in the crib to cuddle up on the bamboo crib sheet. I can't blame them! Now I need to try the Daydream for me and the Boutique swaddles for little princess.
If you are looking for a baby shower gift, registering for baby, or expecting a baby,
I highly recommend a+a!
I received the crib sheet and bubble towel and washcloth set free in exchange for a review of the products. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
she is the cutest!!! They need to make twin size sheets, those look great!
Thanks! I am biased though :).i agree they need to make bigger sizes!! They are SO comfortable! The Daydream is the closest thing they have.
So pretty! And the sheets look nice too. My kids are all too big for cribs now.
They should make the sheets in larger sizes! They look really comfy.
I agree! It is so comfortable!!