
Easy Ways to  Simplify Your Life  and Create Peace

By: Whitney Cornelison | Simplifying Family

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” - Hans Hofmann

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Swipe for tips to simplify your life.

In a world where everyone is busy and overwhelmed, I want to offer you something else. Peace in the midst of chaos.

Simplify your morning routine


Feel more productive when you streamline your morning routine. Swipe up for 8 things you can do before 8 am.

Clean out your purse at the end of every month


Clean out your purse, throw away trash, file away the receipts, make note of the gift cards, and replenish things you need.

reconnect with nature


Get outside. Go for a walk. Go camping. Start a garden. Take time to be outside and breathe in the fresh air.

do a Brain Dump before bed


Write down everything you're thinking about - your to-do list, appointments that need to be made, things you're worrying about. Write it all down.

Create a mission statement


Compare everything to this statement to discern if an opportunity is for you in this season. Not everything will be for you right now.

Declutter each space in your home


Make sure everything has a home. If it doesn't have a home, consider rehoming the item if it doesn't serve you anymore.

Declutter your inbox


Unsubscribe from email lists from stores where you no longer shop and companies that you are no longer interested in.

Create a Routine for Better evenings


Routines help take away decision fatigue. They allow us to keep things orderly yet flexible.

Swipe up for more ways to simplify your life so you can feel peace and see the beauty in the mess.

As a mom of four, Whitney offers busy moms practical ways to live a magically unhurried life while making memories with their families.